When a person opts for psychotherapy, it is extremely important to: • to be motivated to seek help and to realize that there is at least one specific problem she wants to work on. • that the main goal is personal change and not the change of other people. • be aware that long-lasting problems […]

Before a person calls a psychologist, thoughts such as: • Is psychotherapy for me? • What topics will we discuss in general? • Will I be uncomfortable opening up to a stranger? • How much can a person change in certain / advanced years? • Is it normal that I am afraid that I will […]

WHAT IS PANIC DISORDER? Panic disorder can occur at any time in life. Panic disorder is the occurrence of repeated panic attacks, a deep emotional and cognitive disorder, which can seriously damage the life of an individual and the lives of his loved ones. The causes of panic attacks can be multiple and must be […]

The most common roles that prevent us from behaving confidently, and achieving good relationships with people are the Savior, the Persecutor, and the Victim. Entering one of these roles usually means moving to another, then to a third role. For example, in a person who is constantly at the service and helping others even more […]
Psychological DRIVERS

In psychotherapy, we often touch on one of the important topics related to the psychological phenomenon that is universal and noticeable in most people through their behaviors, and it is the phenomenon of psychological drivers, hounds that cause a person to behave in certain ways. Primarily during our childhood, and later during life, we take […]
WHEN THE BODY SCREAMS “I can’t do this any more” (Psychosomatic disorders)

Psychosomatic illness is always a signal, a message from the body, which needs to be listened to and decoded in order to be understood and treated. It is a disorder of an organ under the influence of psychological factors. Whenever you go out to the doctor with the message that your health problem is “nerve-based”, […]
“I’m on a diet and I’m gaining weight” => Is ADRENAL FATIGUE the cause?

You tried everything. Paleo. Keto. Chrono. You include regular walking or even cycling and running in your daily schedule. Have you taken dinner off the menu or started reluctantly eating various salads for dinner and going to bed… hungry? You read about ideal combinations in the diet, you no longer eat the main […]

A certain percentage of people are instilled with the belief that something is seriously wrong with people who turn to a psychologist. In order to maintain an image of themselves as a healthy and normal person at all costs in their own eyes and the eyes of others, they often shy away from psychologists and […]

Different conceptions, often complex, still clearly indicate two different, but still somewhat related points of view: hedonism (from the Greek word hedonismus = pleasure) and eudaimonism (from the Greek word eudaimonism = prosperity; or eu = good, daimon = spirit), two views proposed as early as by Aristotle. It is important to distinguish these two […]