PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING for individuals and couples
Individual work takes place in a planned series of, on average, 8 to 10 individual sessions, during which we move from unwanted states to desired outcomes and goals. During the process, we go through topics related to strokes, life rights and permits, life roles, ego states, and self-awareness, redecision, positive emotionality, relaxation techniques, stress relief, and other topics that are specific to certain specific issues.
- I extremely emphasize the uniqueness of each person and thus approach each new client: without any prejudices, without placing people in any category or norm, believing deep inside that each person is a whole unique and unrepeatable world, a world that I respect and support in its development.
- Together with the client, I define unwanted conditions due to which he or she decided to work consult me, as well as the desired conditions, goals and future life projects. Working on the elimination of unwanted states and moving towards the desired states, I constantly emphasize learning to stay in the “here and now”, that is, the art of staying and living in the present moment.
- For the basic privilege of every human being, I emphasize the freedom of choice we all have in every single moment, and in even the most difficult situation, as long as we are deeply guided by our recognized life mission and purpose, which is closely related to all the topics listed above.
- I believe that a person can make a new decision at any moment of his/hers life and start changing himself/herself and his/hers own life in the direction of a better, healthier, more functional, more active, more productive life.
- I firmly believe in human goodness. I believe that every person is inherently good, and that on the other side, there are good and bad behaviors. I support people to learn what a healing effect the ability to forgive ourselves and others can bring, as well as to understand and accept other people and tragic life events.
- Although in some cases the main goal of therapy is to strengthen the client’s sense of self-efficacy, I generally work with people to liberate them from dysfunctional parts of their ego, to reach the essence and nurture that essence regardless of one’s achievements, academic education, and other’s people’s evaluation.
- One of the goals of counseling almost always refers to accepting discomfort as a necessary part of everyday life, working on oneself and relationships with other people. Recognizing unpleasant emotions and conditions and learning how not to let discomfort interfere with our daily functioning and communication with people around us is one of the outcomes of counseling.
- I believe that some experiences, life events and segments alone cannot always be explained or understood strictly rationally. In my view, some problems can be solved through psychology and psychotherapy, while for some topics it is necessary to include spirituality and intuition as inseparable parts of our psyche, which can greatly enrich our mental health.
- We carry responsibility for our own choices, actions, decisions, and our own role in relationships with people, our goals, moods, feelings, thoughts, even when we are not aware of it. Strengthening responsibility through developing the ability to answer life’s questions and challenges is always an important part of my work.
- Mental health cannot be nurtured and maintained without positive emotionality. Although it is important to learn to live with certain necessary inconveniences on one side, on the other side emotions and characteristics such as gratitude, happiness, generosity, excitement, empathy, motivation, optimism, altruism can greatly enrich our overall functioning. During the counseling, we notice and recognize the concepts of anhedonia, functional and non-functional hedonism, eudamonism and other important concepts from positive psychology, which due to the availability of numerous books in popular psychology remain unexplained.
- Physical health is inseparable from mental health, they are constantly intertwined, and making the mind, body and spirit form an inseparable whole at every moment. When the problem that causes the client is related to a certain mental or physical disorder or illness, this unbreakable “Mind, body and spirit” connection is always analyzed, as well as the mechanisms on which they interfere, and disturb or heal each other.
Working with small groups takes place through workshops and psychological trainings on various topics: assertive communication, emotional intelligence, stress relief techniques, partnership, creating goals and achievement strategies.
You can follow the dates of my workshops on the site in the category “News”.